3 Pillars of Value – Top Benefits You Receive
After over a decade of helping thousands of executives transform their job search and careers, we have developed and fine-tuned a vital process that delivers powerful traction and results for our clients.
Our personal attention and commitment to understanding your industry and background will not only bring greater clarity to your resume – – but vastly improves your job search and interview confidence, and ultimate success because of the PROCESS we bring you through.

What is the Process?
How long will it take?
START-TO-FINISH TOTAL TIME: most clients are completed in ~3-5 weeks (depending on which package is purchased)
- Some people take a little less time, others a little more – this depends on your responsiveness
Our office hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm Central Time, and Fridays 9am-4pm Central Time. We do not hold consultations on Fridays, or on weekends – except by special appointment
Consultations: Are scheduled for dates/times that work best for your schedule – we will provide a scheduling link to choose (held via phone calls)
- Edits: All packages include either 30 or 45-calendar days (depending on which package is purchased) of unlimited revisions after receiving the first draft of the resume
- For each additional resume version there are 15-calendar days of edit time added (i.e. Functional Version – or additional areas of focus, etc)
- This time does not restart when we begin the items after your 1st resume – – so it's important we stay on task until completion – – because there is a $400 fee for each additional 15-calendar days
- Resume first draft delivered in 5-full business days
- Updated drafts returned in 3-full business days after received
Please see the “What is the Process?” section on this page – for a complete breakdown of each step of the process
Job Search Packages
Resume Writing & LinkedIn Profile Updates
Clarity & focus in direction is key for results from your new materials.
- Please CLICK HERE for our Career Direction Coaching packages if you need help ensuring the next steps of your career, are the right ones.
FAQ's below – if you have any additional questions – please call 1-800-603-6623.
Below is a section called “What Is Included?” – with a complete description of each item included.
- NO Questionnaires!
- Two 1-Hour Consultations
w/Janice - Value Proposition
in written form after 2nd session - New Resume
Cover Letter
New LinkedIn Profile
References Page - Follow-up Letter
for after your interviews - Long & Short
Executive Bio - Project/Career Highlights Document
- 1-Page Condensed Resume
- Recruiter Outreach Letter
Network Outreach Letter
Company Outreach Letter - Rejection Response Letter
- 3 of our 10 “Proven Tips Sheets”
- 45-days of Unlimited Edits
- 1-Hour Wrap-up
Strategy Coaching Session
- NO Questionnaires!
- Two 1-Hour Consultations
w/Janice - Value Proposition
in written form after 2nd session - New Resume
Cover Letter
New LinkedIn Profile
References Page - Follow-up Letter
for after your interviews - ——
—— - ——
- ——
- Recruiter Outreach Letter
Network Outreach Letter
Company Outreach Letter - Rejection Response Letter
- 3 of our 10 “Proven Tips Sheets”
- 30-days of Unlimited Edits
- 45-Minute Wrap-up
Strategy Coaching Session
What is Included?
Frequently Asked Questions
What Our Past Clients
Have Said About Us…
“…the work you did was outstanding….”
The work you did on our senior management team’s executive bios and online profiles was outstanding. We appreciate your tenacity in working with our busy leadership team to complete this project quickly. The session you provided our team on how to make best use of our new bios and profiles toward other opportunities was incredibly valuable. Look forward to hearing from us soon on other PR and writing needs for our firm.
“…one of the most valued partners I have…”
Our national corporate office said it was the best written executive bio they have seen from any of their Licensees – ever. Thank you so much for helping me stand out with all the materials you have provided and the marketing guidance. As a new business owner, you are one of the most valued partners I have, and I look forward to a long relationship.
“…delivered results that went far beyond expectations.”
PRC worked with me to refine and refresh my professional branding materials. My writer was a great coach, asking on-point questions and crafting excellent suggestions while inviting feedback. She and the support team provided outstanding leadership through the process and delivered results that went far beyond expectations. Without reservations I would recommend PRC for their expertise in this field and premium customer service.
“Exceptional wordsmith……a life changing process….”
Exceptional Wordsmith is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Pro Resume Center. Their process and experience proved to be a true asset in getting the best information out of me to better tell my story and summarize my unique background. Speaking with my professional writer and coach was so easy, I didn't even notice we were working on what would become a life changing process. I would recommend PRC to anybody looking to push their resume or career to the next stage.