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Resume Writing & LinkedIn Profile Updates

Job Search Packages

Comprehensive, all-inclusive custom packages that include everything today's busy professionals need to promote and market yourself into your next role.

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3 Pillars of Value – Top Benefits You Receive

After over a decade of helping thousands of executives transform their job search and careers, we have developed and fine-tuned a vital process that delivers powerful traction and results for our clients.

Our personal attention and commitment to understanding your industry and background will not only bring greater clarity to your resume – – but vastly improves your job search and interview confidence, and ultimate success because of the PROCESS we bring you through.

Janice Profile pic

From the start, we do everything different.

There are NO questionnaires to answeronly robust conversation. We start with two (2) 1-hour consultations to kick things off. (instead of one 30-45 minute call, like other companies)


The 1st session is focused on you – we interview you to uncover everything about your past and current roles, accomplishments, big wins, metrics, and the value you brought to your team, company, or clients.

This is one of the hardest things for our clients to figure out on their own, “What results and information should I put in my resume?”

  • We take the guesswork out of that for you – with a 1-hour conversation focused solely on uncovering the results that should be included in your new resume. We push you to gather and share the most hard-hitting results you have achieved in your career. We help you take a new strategic lens to your background to help us uncover your unique story.
  • We're going to discuss (relevant to your background) – – budget/portfolio sizes – – – team sizes – – – projects/initiatives – – – efficiencies created – – – the results of your career, across each role you've had


The 2nd session unlocks the remaining information we need to begin writing about you – – and includes interview coaching and prep work to ensure you can confidently speak to your value and why you would be the best candidate.


Unlike other companies, we will never settle for what you think is “adequate” or “good enough” information for your materials. We work with you – and push you – to gather the most hard-hitting results you have achieved in your career.

Often this will push you out of your comfort zone – and that's a good thing!


Reviews From Past Clients: Please CLICK HERE for many, unsolicited reviews & recommendations from past clients.


Because of our proven process, our clients receive these THREE benefits – or “Pillars of Value”….

You will learn how to speak to your top skills and big wins in your future interviews through our proven process – included with every Job Search Package.

Our work together will help you gain greater clarity and focus on what makes you a unique candidate – and then speak to those points with confidence in future conversations and interviews. We understand this is a major investment in yourself and your career, and we take that investment very seriously.

*The single, most consistent feedback we receive during the included wrap-up call – is that our clients have received so much more value than just a new resume & LinkedIn profile – – because of the process we will bring you through.

CLICK HERE for more many unsolicited reviews & recommendations from past clients

Now that you have the right materials that showcase your strengths and experience and have learned how to speak to your value in an interview – we take you to the finish line by providing job search and networking strategies to jump-start or improve your current job search and outreach.

How much do you know about the hidden job market? Most people are unaware that ~50% (and up to 70%) of today’s open jobs are not listed publicly – anywhere (NOT even with recruiters). Often companies use other methods – employee-incentive programs to recruit new talent and pay the employee, not a recruiting firm or through networking and word of mouth.

We teach you how to find the roles you want and, more importantly, how to carve out your own opportunities with companies where you’d like to land.

Every package includes a wrap-up Strategy Session – – so you can pick our brains on anything you would like – – and ensure results in your job search.

Through discovery work in our 2-hours of time together, we help you identify, capture and articulate your big wins and turn your career story into high-impact materials – resume, executive bio, LinkedIn profile, cover and outreach letters, project highlights, et al. to accelerate traction and generate interviews.

We consistently hear from clients that interviewers praise the resume and materials we built for them – clear, concise, and easy to follow, with the most important and relevant content in a polished format.

That’s from a decade of doing this and decades of experience as journalists, PR executives, marketing leaders and business writers. All of this ladders up to give you an outstanding representation of your professional history and value for your next role.

What is the Process?

This is a custom and personalized experience – with no questionnaires, just robust consultations and coaching sessions.

After purchase – – our website will automatically unlock next steps – – and you will send us 3-4 links/examples of roles that are strongly representative of what you're targeting – and then we begin. (they can either be links to examples online – – or PDF's/emails/Word documents that you've been sent/have received)

This ensures we are both on the same page regarding what you are targeting.

No other questionnaires to fill out.

Working with company co-founder and Executive Coach JANICE BURCH – your two 1-hour sessions will serve as the starting point for your partnership. Between the two sessions – we have created a process that will help us not only uncover that basic background information typically gathered via a questionnaire – but we will also discuss your top projects – biggest wins – greatest accomplishments- where and how you have brought success and change in your prior roles – and so much more. (all sessions are held via phone calls)

We use this time to dive much deeper into your background to discover what makes you a contender in your industry, and why you are unique – as well as dig into your career accomplishments, and personal story. Further, we help you prep up your elevator pitch and talking points.

This step of the process is something we offer that is vastly different than most in our industry. It is designed not only to write your resume – but create valuable and robust conversations with actionable items for you to think about and work on – while we are creating your new job search and personal branding documents.

By the end of the 2nd session – we will have everything we need to create your new job search package – and within 24-hours you will receive… (please see Step 3)

There is some version of this question that WILL come up, at some point in the interview process:

  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why are you the best person for this position and our company?

The question will come up – and even if it doesn't – having this prepared can be utilized in many ways other ways to solidify your value to the company.

After your 2nd session with Janice – together you will have developed your customized reply to this question – and Janice will provide a full, written version for you to utilize and practice from for future interviews.

Then we begin writing – the first draft of your resume is delivered in 5-full business days after your 2nd consultation.

  • Each round of edits are returned in 3-full business days.
  • All packages include either 30 or 45-calendar days of unlimited revisions (depending on which package you purchase) after you receive the first draft of the resume
    • For each additional resume version there are 15-calendar days of edit time added (i.e. Functional Version – or additional areas of focus, etc)
    • This time does not restart when we begin the items after your resume – so it's important we stay on task until completion
    • There is a $400 fee for each additional 15-calendar days

We can also accommodate your rush order needs – pricing is based on your specific turnaround needs, and project parameters.

After the resume is finalized the Career Bio first draft is delivered in 5-full business days

  • Each round of edits are returned in 3-full business days

Once your resume & Career Bio have been finalized, we will complete all remaining materials purchased – this could include your new:

  • Project highlights document
  • 1-page resume version
  • Cover letter
  • Follow-up letter (for after your interviews)
  • References page
  • Short Version Career Bio
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Recruiter Outreach Letter
  • Network Outreach Letter
  • All written in one cohesive voice and tone – and with your new format consistent across each – continuing your brand across all documents.

These remaining materials are delivered in 5-full business days, and are completed all at once and delivered at the same time.

  • Each round of edits are returned in 3-full business days.
  • The 30 or 45-calendar days of edits does NOT start over, it is a continuation from when the resume 1st draft was delivered
  • There is a $400 fee for each additional 15-calendar days

Once all materials are finalized, we send a link to schedule your wrap-up Strategy Coaching Session, which must be held within two (2) weeks of completion of your materials.

We can use this time together in whichever way YOU would find the most value:

Most popular topics:

  • LinkedIn tutorial – this could be the most powerful tool you will have in your entire toolbox (most of our clients are not aware of all the ways you can utilize LinkedIn to expand your opportunities)
  • Polish up your Value Proposition – – discussing the “Why Should We Hire You” & “Why Are You the Best Candidate for the Job?” questions.
  • Create an action plan – and discuss how to execute a job search that actually produces results
  • How to expand your network – and the RIGHT way to network for your next opportunity
  • How to stay organized and prepared, after you begin your search and application process
  • Best practice tips, advice, and discussion around how to keep your job search successes/wins/metrics and accomplishments organized as you move forward
  • Or discussing whatever you believe would provide you with the most value
  • During our work together – we will likely decide together where we would find the best use of our strategy session

Our goal after this final step? You are ready to run from the gate with your new materials, fully confident in your new tools and how to use them, and able to speak with confidence to set you apart in the pool of candidates and your industry.

How long will it take?

START-TO-FINISH TOTAL TIME: most clients are completed in ~3-5 weeks (depending on which package is purchased)

  • Some people take a little less time, others a little more – this depends on your responsiveness

Our office hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm Central Time, and Fridays 9am-4pm Central Time. We do not hold consultations on Fridays, or on weekends – except by special appointment

Consultations: Are scheduled for dates/times that work best for your schedule – we will provide a scheduling link to choose (held via phone calls)

  • Edits: All packages include either 30 or 45-calendar days (depending on which package is purchased) of unlimited revisions after receiving the first draft of the resume
    • For each additional resume version there are 15-calendar days of edit time added (i.e. Functional Version – or additional areas of focus, etc)
    • This time does not restart when we begin the items after your 1st resume – – so it's important we stay on task until completion – – because there is a $400 fee for each additional 15-calendar days
  • Resume first draft delivered in 5-full business days
    • Updated drafts returned in 3-full business days after received

Please see the “What is the Process?” section on this page – for a complete breakdown of each step of the process

Job Search Packages

Resume Writing & LinkedIn Profile Updates

Clarity & focus in direction is key for results from your new materials.

  • Please CLICK HERE for our Career Direction Coaching packages if you need help ensuring the next steps of your career, are the right ones.

FAQ's below – if you have any additional questions – please call 1-800-603-6623.

Below is a section called “What Is Included?” – with a complete description of each item included.


$4,995Best Value!
  • NO Questionnaires!
  • Two 1-Hour Consultations
  • Value Proposition
    in written form after 2nd session
  • New Resume
    Cover Letter
    New LinkedIn Profile
    References Page
  • Follow-up Letter
    for after your interviews
  • Long & Short
    Executive Bio
  • Project/Career Highlights Document
  • 1-Page Condensed Resume
  • Recruiter Outreach Letter
    Network Outreach Letter
    Company Outreach Letter
  • Rejection Response Letter
  • 3 of our 10 “Proven Tips Sheets”
  • 45-days of Unlimited Edits
  • 1-Hour Wrap-up
    Strategy Coaching Session
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  • NO Questionnaires!
  • Two 1-Hour Consultations
  • Value Proposition
    in written form after 2nd session
  • New Resume
    Cover Letter
    New LinkedIn Profile
    References Page
  • Follow-up Letter
    for after your interviews
  • ——
  • ——
  • ——
  • Recruiter Outreach Letter
    Network Outreach Letter
    Company Outreach Letter
  • Rejection Response Letter
  • 3 of our 10 “Proven Tips Sheets”
  • 30-days of Unlimited Edits
  • 45-Minute Wrap-up
    Strategy Coaching Session
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BASICS Package

  • NO Questionnaires!
  • Two 1-Hour Consultations
  • ——
  • New Resume
    Cover Letter
    New LinkedIn Profile
    References Page
  • Follow-up Letter
    for after your interviews
  • ——
  • ——
  • ——
  • ——
  • ——
  • ——
  • 30-days of Unlimited Edits
  • 45-Minute Wrap-up
    Strategy Coaching Session
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What is Included?

Instead of filling out a questionnaire, you will work through the information needed, speaking one-on-one with your Executive Coach, JANICE BURCH

During these two calls we will work together to uncover everything we need to update your personal brand – unlock those key pieces of your past that will ensure your new materials stand out – and reveal what makes you different and unique in your realm.

After your 2nd session, you will receive your “Value Proposition” – in written form. During your consultations and coaching sessions with Janice, she will help you better identify your top value points, and coach you on how to position yourself to stand out in your new materials.

This typically provides a hard-hitting, effective answer to “Why Should We Hire You?” and “Why Are You the Best Candidate for the Job?”

The question will come up – and even if it doesn't – having this prepared can be utilized in many ways other ways to solidify your value to a company.

After your 2nd session with Janice – together you will have developed your customized reply to this question – and Janice will provide a full, written version for you to utilize and practice from, for future interviews.

Your new, results producing resumes will highlight the immense value you bring to the table and the top impacts you brought to the roles you held, summarize your additional activities and involvements, from board memberships to nonprofit leadership roles – and succinctly summarize why you are the best candidate for the job.

You will receive your the standard”long form” resume – which is typically 2-3 pages – as well as a consolidated 1-page version (if purchased) for networking. (or to use as a leave-behind, during interviews)

You will receive your final drafts in both PDF format (so your formatting is locked in) – as well as Word, so you can customize as needed going forward.

This is an accumulation of your “top projects” or “career highlights” – typically the top 3-5 projects or initiatives that delivered the most change, impact, or results and of which you are the most proud.

This is an excellent added tool and resource to have for three reasons:

  1. To prepare for your interviews, and more confidently express your support stories on the work you have done
  2. As a “leave behind” after your interviews
  3. It can capture more details on important wins, when there is insufficient room on the resume

Your Executive Bio is your 1-page story – a strategically written, concise story highlighting where you have been, what you have done and shows, not just tells the reader, what makes you a leader in your industry and the value you have to offer.

There are MANY uses for your new Executive Bio:

  1. Interview leave-behind
  2. Board appointment applications
  3. Recruiter outreach
  4. Keynote speaker opportunities for conferences, trade shows
  5. Media opportunities
  6. Website bios
  7. Online profiles
  8. and much more…

You will receive:

  • 1-page version
  • Short/condensed version (for requested short bio information)

What is included? Everything!

This is a complete experience.

We rewrite the top summary section to better tell your unique story — as well as all job descriptions — ensure keyword selection and optimization — update and reorganize your skills (maximizing all 50 opportunities) — upload a new banner and profile photo — Patents — Awards — Publications — Media Mentions – and make sure your profile is set for ideal visibility.

This is all done with your network notifications turned “OFF” – no one will be notified of the updates, unless/until you are ready to push your new profile out to the public.

Unlike other companies who provide the words to you in a document, which YOU then have to spend hours uploading and configuring – we work directly inside your profile for you, eliminating the hassle for you, and so we can update EVERY facet of your profile.

An effective cover letter provides the context to your background, that a resume cannot. It is an important way to showcase how your unique combination of skills and experience meet the key requirements for the role and your chance to show a definitive link between your knowledge, professional history and abilities to meet the needs of the company.

We write each client's cover letter from scratch, positioning it specifically for your background and roles you are targeting. We also show you where and how to customize it further for each position to which you apply, to gain the most traction possible.

To ensure a strong, cohesive brand – all documents are delivered to you in the same format and headers – so every touch-point you have, continues your new executive-level presence.

Final documents are delivered in Microsoft Word, so you can easily customize going forward.

A follow-up letter is NOT a “thank you” note.

This important document should be considered your strong sales close, cementing your conversation by outlining what was discussed – their needs, challenges, or goals – how you can address them – and express your interest in the role, again.

The follow up letter is written specifically for you, your background, and what you are targeting – but we also show you where you should further customize, for each role, to gain the most traction possible.

Your References Page is also included.

To ensure a strong, cohesive brand – all documents are delivered in the same format and headers – so every touch-point you have, continues your new executive-level presence.

This is delivered in Microsoft Word, so you can easily customize going forward.

Our Outreach Letters are developed for you to directly reach out to recruiters at staffing agencies and executive search firms, your extended Network, and directly to a Company you want to work for. This letter will accomplish many things in one page – highlight your professional experience and qualifications, showcase key value points toward the roles you are looking for – and engage them to reach out and continue the conversation.

Your goal is to find a new job, and this will help you in your journey.

Did you know that ~50% of the open positions in the US are not posted anywhere? 

The Outreach Letters we provide will summarize your background and interests, and expand your reach and opportunities for the next step in your career journey – to get the conversation started, and launch valuable traction.

The document is delivered in Microsoft Word, so you can easily customize going forward – and will serve as the template you will tweak each time you reach out to one of these three resources, so you can stop wasting your time applying to job search boards.

Why do you need a Rejection Response Letter?

  • According to a recent study of 20,000 companies led by global executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles, 40% of executives hired at the senior level are pushed out, fail or quit within 18 months
  • Another study by Harvard Business Review found that between 40% and 60% of management new hires fail within 18 months
  • What does that mean for you? It means if you made it through a few interviews with a potential employer, but they told you they decided to go with someone else, you better follow up to that rejection letter or call, because there is an almost 50% chance that the person they hired will not work out.

We provide you with a customized, editable (in Microsoft Word) Rejection Response Letter to ensure that you will continue to be considered as a vetted, quality replacement candidate when the company’s first choice does not work out.

You can select from a wide array of valuable topics to help you in your career transition:

  1. Top 10 Questions to Ask in an Interview
  2. 10 Tips to Brand Yourself on LinkedIn
  3. Staging to Win the ONLINE Interview
  4. How to Negotiate a Better Salary
  5. Do These Things Now Before You Leave Your Job
  6. The Interview Leave-Behind: How to Package It
  7. Launching Your LinkedIn Blog – Getting Started
  8. Managing the Tough Questions: Weakness and Failure
  9. Women Executives: Stop Tip Toeing, How to Step It Up to Improve Confidence & Authority
  10. Stop Aging Yourself Out of a Job: Top 10 Things to do RIGHT NOW

Ready for a hard-hitting, FILLED TO THE BRIM wrap up strategy session? Janice packs a lot into her client sessions, custom focused to your needs, with take-away recommendations to launch a successful job search.

Make sure you have a private space, where you can talk openly and freely regarding your career and next steps.

You will want to take notes, and come ready with questions.

Most popular topics:

  • LinkedIn tutorial – this could be the most powerful tool you will have in your entire toolbox (most of our clients are not aware of all the ways you can utilize LinkedIn to expand your opportunities)
  • Polish up your Value Proposition, which was delivered at the project start (now that you have had time to practice it)
  • Create an action plan – and discuss how to execute a job search that actually produces results
  • How to expand your network – and the RIGHT way to network for your next opportunity
  • How to stay organized and prepared after you begin your search and application process
  • Best practice tips, advice, and discussion around how to keep your job search successes/wins/metrics and accomplishments organized as you move forward
  • or discussing whatever you believe would provide you with the most value –  it is possible as you advance through the process with Janice, you will  determine together how this time could be best spent

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, absolutely! Janice offers a robust assortment of additional Career & Executive Coaching options.

You may CLICK HERE to see my Career Direction Coaching packages.

Or just call us directly to discuss how we can provide a more all-encompassing, or custom experience you have in mind: 1-800-603-6623

**Financing – YES – we offer TWO Buy Now, Pay Later options for all services – – –

Or call us at 1-800-603-6623 or CONTACT US HERE with questions.

What is included? Everything!

This is a complete experience.

We rewrite the top summary section to better tell your unique story — as well as all job descriptions — ensure keyword selection and optimization — update and reorganize your skills (maximizing all 50 opportunities) — upload a new banner and profile photo — Patents — Awards — Publications — Media Mentions – and make sure your profile is set for ideal visibility. This is all done with your network notifications turned “OFF” – no one will be notified of the updates, unless/until you are ready to push your new profile out to the public.

Unlike other companies who provide the words to you in a document, which YOU then have to spend hours uploading and configuring – we work directly inside your profile for you, eliminating the hassle for you, and so we can update EVERY facet of your profile.

You can either CLICK HERE to set up a call to discuss – – or just call us directly at 1-800-603-6623.

We keep regular office hours Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm CST, and Fridays 9am-4pm CST.

We firmly believe in only setting up our clients for success – as such, we have found that these package produce the strongest results. The items in the “BASICS Package” are what we view as our “starting point” for what you need in a successful job search.

But don't hesitate to call and inquire about custom pricing, based on the what you have in mind: 1-800-603-6623

No, ALL edits are included with our services. We want you to be completely confident in your new materials – so we include either 30 or 45-days (depending on which package is purchased) of unlimited revisions after receiving the first draft of the resume – for edits & revisions of all materials. (resume, Career Bio, LinkedIn profile, etc).

If you would like to purchase additional edit time, beyond the 30 or 45-days included – you may CLICK HERE to see the option to add an additional 15-days of edits.

What Our Past Clients
Have Said About Us…

“…the work you did was outstanding….”

The work you did on our senior management team’s executive bios and online profiles was outstanding. We appreciate your tenacity in working with our busy leadership team to complete this project quickly. The session you provided our team on how to make best use of our new bios and profiles toward other opportunities was incredibly valuable. Look forward to hearing from us soon on other PR and writing needs for our firm.

Jack L., CEO, Major Law Firm

“…one of the most valued partners I have…”

Our national corporate office said it was the best written executive bio they have seen from any of their Licensees – ever. Thank you so much for helping me stand out with all the materials you have provided and the marketing guidance. As a new business owner, you are one of the most valued partners I have, and I look forward to a long relationship.

Bill S., Independent Sales Agent

“…delivered results that went far beyond expectations.”

PRC worked with me to refine and refresh my professional branding materials. My writer was a great coach, asking on-point questions and crafting excellent suggestions while inviting feedback. She and the support team provided outstanding leadership through the process and delivered results that went far beyond expectations. Without reservations I would recommend PRC for their expertise in this field and premium customer service.

Tom B., Senior Sales Director, Automotive Manufacturing

“Exceptional wordsmith……a life changing process….”

Exceptional Wordsmith is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Pro Resume Center. Their process and experience proved to be a true asset in getting the best information out of me to better tell my story and summarize my unique background. Speaking with my professional writer and coach was so easy, I didn't even notice we were working on what would become a life changing process. I would recommend PRC to anybody looking to push their resume or career to the next stage.

Adam, Senior Enterprise Director, Technology Industry

Get Noticed. Get the Call. Get the Job.

Our custom approach includes personal consultations to help you take a new strategic view of your job history and accomplishments, and together we will elevate your resume, linkedin profile, cover letter and other job search materials to new heights.